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A former Erie County Deputy Sheriff and disciple of Reverand Michael Chapman, Pastor Dwayne Jones took over the forty member Mt. Aaron Missionary Baptist Church, located at 540 Genesee Street in the City of Buffalo's east side in 2006.


As God lead and directed his path, Reverand Jones under God's anointing, imparted words of inspiration and exhoration in the hearts and souls of God's people. The church's membership quickly increased from sixty-five members to the current enrollment of two hundred and fifty dedicated and faithful members.


Reverand Dwayne Jones acknoledge that if you believe and trust in God, He would honor the prayers of the righteous and add to the church daily as God promised in the book of Acts 4:4, "But many who heard the message believed (adhered to and trust in and relied on Jesus as the Christ), and their number grew to about five thousand (Amplified Bible)."


Under his leadership, the congregation has grown exponentially, resulting in a need for expansion. On an average Sunday, the chapel swells with about two hundred seventy-five congregants with atleast one hundred twenty-five people attending on winter Sunday's. 





                        Mission Statement


Our mission is to serve the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost giving God the glory in all that we do and offering Christ to a dying world.


                         Vision Statement 


We are a body of believers. We believe in the trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Our vision is to offer a world of darkness the light. 


© 2023 Mt. Aaron Baptist Church Proudly created by CR@VE DESIGNS

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